2 definitions by Alan Butcher

(v) To miss out on banter due to work, financial or other commitments. It can however be extended to a variety of diferent situations whenever the situation of an individual or group is compromised by their actions. There is also the further complication where the reversal of a decision to Tickle brought on by pere pressure is deemed to tickle the tickle.

(n)Tickler- One who tickles
1.I'm going to have to Tickle the pub tonight, I'm Skint.

2. AC Milan lost when Shevchenko Tickled the Penalty.

3. The Coop is tickling the beer.

4. Go on Bob, come out it will be great.
Oh go on I'll tickle the tickle.

5. The Badger is known as the great Tickler of the animal kingdom
by Alan Butcher May 14, 2006
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New York slang for someone who always complains, displays the symptoms of ADHD and generally nobody likes.
Do you know where James is?

No, I'm avoiding that Quayle.
by Alan Butcher May 13, 2006
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