16 definitions by Akit

Located in the USA, these "board members" and their "president" are basically the mafia and/or terrorists.

They terrorize and cause hell with their own fellow neighbors who agree to be part of their little "shit world."

They threaten them with foreclosure of your own home, they scrutinize you for the littlest things, and they are basicallly dictators.

They also have the power to fine people (for tons of $$ a day) for various things like:
*You can't put a flagpole in your yard (I'm a damn patriot! i represent the USA!).
*You can't put plastic flamingos in your lawn.
*Your fence is one inch too tall.
*You can't paint your house a different color without permission of the board.

Let's compare it to someone familiar in history!!!
Lets think of Hitler. He terrorized and dominated a whole society and murdered and slaughtered tons of Jewish people.

What did we learn today? Kick their ass!

Fuck, at least I live in a place where my city government makes fair policy, and not bullshit policy by assholes.
by Akit April 4, 2004
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A radio DJ who does "sex talk radio." Refer to Wankus and LorrAINIAC of KSEXradio.com; and Howard Stern.
Wankus of KSEXradio is a porn jock because he has porn stars on his net radio show.
by Akit February 29, 2004
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The act of shitting carefully behind your prone partner, inserting three fingers into her vagina, one in her ass, and voraciously pumping your digits in and out, maintaining a perfect L-bend at the elbow, and using only your rotator cuff as a power pivot.
My friends enjoy doing the christmas turkey carver every thanksgiving.
by Akit February 29, 2004
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A poison used with a needle to reduce wrinkles. Must be done by a cosmetic doctor.
Britney Spears gets botox shots because her smoking makes her pussy look like she had sex 200 times.
by Akit March 2, 2004
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Stupid character for the television show "The Simpsons." He is the principal of Springfield Elementary and he runs the school like a hellhole.

He loves Edna, a fellow employee, lives with his mother, Agnus, and a former vietnam hero.
Principal Skinner gave a pay cut to Willie due to budget cuts.
by Akit February 29, 2004
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Stupid judge on television.

Outright mean, one person who needs a colon cleansing immediately.
Judge Judy's tv program is so horrible that I went to a shrink for help.
by Akit February 29, 2004
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A person who gives a blow job.
My girlfriend is a great blower when it comes to blow jobs.
by Akit February 29, 2004
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