42 definitions by AdomC

The one place on Earth that forces you to work and be in the same room with annoying assholes you can't stand, and take up and ruining your time by giving you homework and negative news to your parents. The only good thing about it is that is gives you an education for the real world and so you don't have to be with your annoying parents all the time.
If it wasn't for school I wouldn't be stuck with these annoying jerks for half of these six hours and then with this asshole teacher at the last hour who gives out referrals for no reason because she acts like she really hates kids. Screw this place.
by AdomC July 13, 2015
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Just big fucking bullshit that you have to take in high school. This is meant for colleges such as USC, Stanford, UC or Ivy League schools to judge how smart or dumb you are. Whats the point about it when you have class grades? So fuck it cause it wastes time and thinking.
Teacher: Alright class get prepared for the SAT class coming next week.
Classmate: Yeah, well if we don't do well on the dumb ass exam we can always go to community college.
by AdomC March 10, 2015
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A rapper who looks full black but is actually half Vietnamese and half Jamaican. He was born in Compton, one of the blackest cities in California which is why he has a full black attitude.
Tyga acts so black he may not even know he's half Asian.
by AdomC July 22, 2015
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A place where the kids start to get "high" on drinking which is why they call it high school. You expect it to be like the fucking baloney Hollywood movies because your parents tell you high school is all about romance, dances, dating, and some other shit but it is totally the opposite unless if you party and ride your dick all the time AND get a car by your sophomore year.
Aunt: OMG my nephew is finally is in high school!! You have a girlfriend yet?
Nephew: Nah, I ain't got any bitches yet cause I don't have a car and I don't get drunk as Hell in the stupid parties.
Aunt: Don't worry. Just treat the girls with respect!!!
Nephew: Whatever!!!!!
by AdomC May 9, 2015
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Only white rapper from Detroit. He has three daughters and raps about the shit that happened in his ghetto life. Want to know about him, watch "8 Mile".
Guy 1: Yo, I just purchased a new song from Snoop Dogg man!
Guy 2: Nah, I'm tired of hearing the same black people rapping all the time man. Lets listen to Eminem cuz he is the rapper better than those black ones.
by AdomC March 7, 2015
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The older people in high school(usually 11th and 12th graders) that think they have the right to leave out freshmen, treat them like they don't matter and always telling them to fuck off. They also tend to get lazy as fuck and party their dicks and pussies all night long on Fridays and weekends.
Guy 1: Hey dude can you please take me out to that party that's going on this Friday?
Guy 2: Dude, what grade are ya in?
Guy 1: Freshman...
Guy 2: HAHAHAHA!!! I'm part of the upperclassmen!!! Fuck outta here dude!!! Go home!!!
by AdomC October 5, 2015
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A white Australian female rapper who acts like a black female rapper from the ghetto. In reality, she comes from a middle class family. The good thing about her is that she has a nice ass.
Iggy Azalea should stop acting like a tough gal from the hood and should start talking about her sexy body more often
by AdomC April 6, 2015
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