12 definitions by AdmiralDavidov

The guy who invented S&M. He puts all the other sadists to shame.
"Take it like the bitch you are!" -Sade
by AdmiralDavidov August 16, 2005
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An abomination created through the bastardization of rap and pop with tastelessly downtuned guitars.

See also Mallcore
by AdmiralDavidov August 6, 2005
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The product of Roadrunner Records, MTV, and post-grunge. It involves teenage angst-based lyrics, simple downtuned guitars, and gimmicks to distract from the deficiencies of the music.
by AdmiralDavidov August 6, 2005
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A decent song that got transformed into something amazing by Celtic Frost.
"Did you hear Frost's cover of Mexican Radio?" -Dave
"Yeah, it ripped," -Vicente Fox
by AdmiralDavidov August 6, 2005
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A member of the political party that hasn't produced single decent presidential candidate since Goldwater.

Also, someone who has no respect for the individual despite their claims of being anti-big government.

Someone whose only redeeming quality is thier support of gun rights.
"The Confederacy ownz j00, as does foreign intervention!!!111oneoneone" -W
by AdmiralDavidov August 6, 2005
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verb - The discarding of all technical virtuosity in music, the detuning of your instruments, the adoption of whiney or rapped vocals.

noun - An era whose only redeeming qualities were the destruction of hair metal and the creation of the fantastic Beast Wars cartoon. American music was taken over by Grunge, and again later by Rap, Nu-Metal, and post-grunge. None of these genres had any interesting technical arrangements, and most were filled with self-indulgent lyrics about angst, pain, and how much "life sucks".
Though it only lasted ten years, this decade has set music back nearly thirty years.
by AdmiralDavidov August 11, 2005
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Founded by bassist Steve Harris, Iron Maiden infused Thin Lizzy style dueling guitars and throbbing basslines with a more metallic sound, leading the British Heavy Metal explosion circa 1980. Though they've made brilliant music throughout their career (excluding No Prayer for the Dying and Fear of the Dark), Maiden were at their peak from Number of the Beast through Somewhere in Time. Known for blisteringly intense live shows featuring both flawless musicianship and energetic stage antics. Maiden is real fuckin' heavy metal. \m/
"Iron Maiden destroyed at Ozzfest '05. They gave me whiplash of the headbangingest sort. Hell, that was easily worth having to endure 50 minutes of the mallcore Mudvayne." -Me
by AdmiralDavidov August 14, 2005
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