1 definition by Add in Iowa

A mental disorder affecting many Americans. Symptoms include: becoming easily distracted, problems keeping focus in conversations, blurting out, frequent careless mistakes, avoiding tasks that require sustained mental effort (homework, studying, etc), giving effortless and undivided attention to topics the subject enjoys.

Many critics to the ADD diagnosis say patients are lazy, dumb, bored, and helpless. These people are idiots that fail to realized diversity in our population. They believe that because they can concentrate on tasks that need to be accomplished, everyone else can/should too. They say that people with ADD are lazy and no one likes doing boring daily tasks. They are right in that no one likes doing them, they are wrong in that some people simply can not focus enough to do so.

Everyone has problems. Whether it be mental, physical, etc. Saying a person with ADD is looking for an excuse is like saying a person with an handicap only has one for the sweet parking spot. I will admit, many people take ADD medication for the 'high' they receive, and this is wrong. But MANY drugs are abused, and people that truely have ADD shouldn't be punished. More understanding should be given to people that have been DIAGNOSED with ADD.
Ahhhhh crap, I really have ADD and can't focus on a day-to-day basis without my medicine. I have good days and bad days, but with my medicine I have continued focus. Thank you to whoever created this medicine that allows me to function on a 'normal' level daily.
by Add in Iowa April 16, 2006
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