1 definition by Adam_95

Alicja is the type of girl that people may not like or even hate at the first impression, but once you get to know her she will melt your soul. You'll never want to get on her bad side. She is the type to know what she wants and often gets it no matter what. She's amazing and funny with the most adorable and sexy laugh. She tends to be scatter brained and forgetful. Complicated to understand, but you'll never want to stop trying. Sexiest in sweat pants and ruffled hair. She can read anybody without the slightest problem. She's everything you'd ever want in a woman. Funny,shy, sexy, confident but yet at times can use a compliment and a hug. She likes to make weird and random noises and gives the most amazing warm hugs. She always smiles. She is the woman you'll want to spend the rest of your life with.
example 1: i need an Alicja in my life.

example 2: her boyfriend really cares about her.
by Adam_95 November 23, 2012
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