1 definition by Ace_Man42

A strategy in First person shooters where the player sits idly by hoping and unsuspecting enemy will maybe walk in front of them. As red vs Blue said it, camping is not a legitimate strategy. Many campers would defend camping as the most tactically sound and intelligent strategy, when in reality they just dont have the reflexes or hand eye coordination to play the game normally. Also known as a strategy for 5 year olds and pussies who are afraid to die in a video game so they sit in the corner
1:damn that guy camping in the corner just killed me
2: he killed me too hes been sitting there all game what a camping fag he probably uses the heartbeat sensor and commando too
1: my 50 year old mother could get that score camping like him and shes never played before
by Ace_Man42 September 10, 2010
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