11 definitions by Ace Phillips

When you're bored and have a good keyboard like me.
Google: Here are 4242424242424242424242 results in .0000042 seconds.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
It's when you're retarded when it comes to computers.
Ace: My grandpa is so comtarded.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
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It's like that Chinese knockoff of lol that people use because their friend already said lol
Ace: Lol that was funny
Daniel: Lmao yeah it was
Ace: Dude. The fuck.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
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Two rich old white perverts try putting fake votes in a box to rule a country.
Ace: Who will you be voting for in the Presidential Election?
Trump: A wall.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
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Ace: Hey dad, can I borrow your VCR machine?
Dad: Why?
Ace: So I can fucking sell it on Ebay and buy a Netflix subscription.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
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Ace: Do you use Yahoo, grandma?
Grandma: No, I use a computer.
by Ace Phillips November 4, 2020
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