15 definitions by Abriel Ole

A surprisingly good mix drink that contains Jack Daniels and Nos energy drink. It's about 3-4 shots of Jack to 1 can of original Nos (complx6). Kind of taste like peaches or tangerines. It's highly addictive but be warned, I had about three mason jars full and I thought my heart was going to explode. It will pump you up though.
I'm going to go camping and drink some Jack Nos.
by Abriel Ole September 19, 2016
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When you are smoking dabs and screw up and burn yourself, break the rig or get your wax on stuff.
"I burnt a hole in my coat sleeve. It accidently touched the nail, it was a dabcident."
"Dabs was a drug before it was a dance, so in a way we are making you do drugs. Opps, that was a dabcident. I didn't mean to say that out loud."
by Abriel Ole August 30, 2016
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A scale in which men secretly grade women based off of three factors; Beauty (personal attractiveness), personality (approachability) and whether or not you could see a future with this woman (wife material). Each one of the factors has its own scale from 1-100 and should be discussed in order of beauty, personality and future wife material. A lot of guys do this their head and a lot are unaware that they do it. I'm sure women got they're own scale and factors.
guy1: "Hey what's the charzian scale for her?"

guy2: "She's really hot but has resting bitch face. I'm going to say 91, 87, 90."

guy1: "Those are up there man, go talk to her."

guy2: "Alright, find out what's she's really like. That 87 might go up."
by Abriel Ole September 14, 2016
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A joint that you have put inside of a typical metal pipe, then smoke out of the pipe until the whole joint is douched in resin. Can smoke up to an hour.
Zombie joints have a really scary high
by Abriel Ole September 28, 2016
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-When one knows the area very well and can navigate around obstacles in the hood; such as traffic, police lights ahead, and swerving a hoe. Also used when in a chase or racing.
"Ohp, there's a traffic jam on I-475. I'm gonna havta use the hood advantage to get around it. I'll get off on Atherton and get back on at Bristol and hopefully pass the accident or what ever it is."
by Abriel Ole September 13, 2016
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The combination of the words weed and booger. A wooger is a chunk of weed that gets in your mouth when smoking joints and blunts. They usually more resin than plant.
Aye bro, you got a wooger on your lip.
by Abriel Ole September 28, 2016
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-The male form of the word thirsty.

-When a guy is horny and is looking to score some tale.

-Guys eat pussy and girls drank cum. Hungry and thirsty.
Girls get thirsty af and guys get hungry af.

Some guy: "I'm hungry as fuck bruh, I'm about to munch on that pussy over there."
by Abriel Ole September 2, 2016
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