238 definitions by Aaron

Homework (n.): Work that teachers make students do in order to keep their grade up while invading those student's lives but not keeping school separate, and therefore makes focusing harder for students in school.
Rob, may I cheat using your homework?
by Aaron July 5, 2003
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Part of Tupac Shakur's vocabulary with the base of "illuminati" which means enlightened by religion. Killuminati could possibly mean enlightened by thug living a Thug Life.
And who he comin through right now, Makaveli the Don
Feel this, Killuminati
by Aaron June 28, 2004
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A guy that hangs around in acRO...
Funny, amiable and helpful...
Someone: Need a light?

-Aaron- cast ruwach... There you go ^_^
by Aaron March 17, 2005
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The best underground counterstrike source player. He will be widely known once his talent is recognized.
j1nxx owned me in that cal match last week.
by Aaron January 30, 2005
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Yerming is when one individual has anal sex with another then sucks the cum out the ass with a straw
John didn't like yerming since the last time he did it he puked for the rest of the night
by Aaron April 24, 2004
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Progression of society.

In the end, a revolution is pointless because the human race will end the world eventually anyway.
Let's fuel the flames of revolution.

The revolution will begin with assassination!
by Aaron July 6, 2003
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Bloody residue left over after beating off with an abrasive material
Goddamn Scarpnut left me with no skin on my dick
by Aaron November 6, 2004
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