30 definitions by AYYFRON

verb -- 1) to incite internal opposition against and undermine a moderate member of a political party, usually by right wing forces. 2) to ideologically purify an organization by eliminating members who don't adhere to orthodoxy.

The verb is derived from the last name of Dede Scozzafava, a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, Republican State Legislator in New York, who was a candidate for New York's 23rd Congressional district in a 2009 special election until she was drummed out the race by vigorous opposition from far right figures such as former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin as well as former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey both of whom supported the third party candidacy of Doug Hoffman. Moderate Democrat Bill Owens ultimately won the race, prevailing in a district that had not elected a member of his party in over 100 years.
Republican wing nuts are looking to scozzafava a number of their own moderate office holders in the upcoming party primaries. One of their targets is Ellen Smith because she doesn't agree with the NRA's stance that the best way to prevent massacres on college campuses is for students and professors to carry concealed weapons.

The Pope has decided to scozzafava the church by defrocking priests who voice disagreement with the Holy See's opposition to the use of condoms.
by AYYFRON November 6, 2009
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A purse-like over the shoulder bag, typically made out of synthetic material, worn principally by gay men, notably in Europe.
American guy: Dude, like, why are you wearing a purse?
European guy: It's not a purse; it's my purth.
by AYYFRON July 20, 2010
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The lowest of the low, the detritus at the bottom of humanity, often consigned to slums, shanty towns and favelas, often hard working, under-compensated, uneducated, overlooked and generally despised or at best pitied by those better off.
From the comfort of his Park Avenue apartment, the capitalist referred to the people working in his lucrative factory in Mexico as "the dregs of the Earth."
by AYYFRON August 4, 2010
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excessive name dropping, a combination of name dropping and carpet bombing
Person one: "And then the President said, and then Micheal Jordan said and then Lagerfeld showed up, George Clooney said hello to me, Dan Rather was like, oh my God, and then there was Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, Tom Brokaw, The Queen of England, Mayor Bloomberg.."

Person two: "Shut up."

Person one: "Why?"

Person two: "You're name carpetbombing."
by AYYFRON April 6, 2011
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Give me a cauwl tomorrow and we'll tauwk.
by AYYFRON February 5, 2011
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Verb (chiefly Scottish in origin): to experiment and to make a mess simultaneously. To experiment in a way that is aimless or dangerous.
Alister's mother hid his chemistry set in a secret location after he nearly destroyed the kitchen while klorting.
by AYYFRON December 9, 2009
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A sharp, easily noticeable difference in the beauty/physical attractiveness of two members of a couple
Person 1: Do you think that Richard and John will get married?

Person 2: No, Richard will dump John.

Person 1: Why do you say that?

Person 2: Because there is too much of a beauty gap.

Person 1: Oh yeah, good point.
by AYYFRON February 6, 2012
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