2 definitions by AUTOPSY

1)A stereotype created by blacks to be used for other blacks who are "black on the outside, white on the inside". Black being their skin color, and white meaning to display characteristics of a "white" person, therefore "betraying their black roots".

These characteristics being (but not limited to), raised in an environment that's NOT the projects, speaking proper english/very limited use of slang, having an eclectic taste in music, having a diverse group of friends, being well-educated, being legitimately employed, not abusing the welfare system, being well-mannered and civilized, saves money for college instead of bling and cheap grills, and wearing nice clothes that are not Roca Wear, Sean Jean, Baby Phat and so on.

Most blacks confuse the "oreo" stereotype to being "bourgie", which is a very rude, stuck-up black, who thinks they are more "high-class" than they really are.

This stereotype is stupid, and apparently stems from the fear most nigg3rs have of success. Blacks believe that unless you are a talentless rapper, a professional athlete, or "gangsta", it is impossible to be successful without being an "oreo".

2) A painful word of irony that causes Spike Lee anguish, and historical black figures to turn over in their graves.

(PS) I'm black.
1) a: "I'm black. Even though I live in the projects, I maintain an A average, and speak properly. I have a few white friends, I don't really like watermelon or acting like an animal, and I prefer Gwen Stefani over Crime Mob. Apparently, this makes me an 'oreo' among my people."

b: The Characters Tom & Jazmine DuBois from the show "The Boondocks."

2) Our leaders suffered such great trials so we could get ahead in life. But even hundreds of years later, with the NAACP, the United Negro College Fund, the equal-opportunity employment act, and the affirmative action policy available to us, we still haven't made any progress. Successful black people are called "oreos".
by AUTOPSY February 14, 2008
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In Cleveland, 9 times out of ten it means to lie, front or bullshit. In noun form, a liar, or bullshitter.
Girl 1: I went to the mall and this dude gave me a discount on my Forces cuz I told him he was cute.

Girl 2: You cappin'!

- - - - - - - - -

Boy 1: Last Saturday, I got pussy from 3 different girls.

Boy 2: Man, youse a cap.
by AUTOPSY January 11, 2007
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