346 definitions by AKACroatalin

This was originally slang used by soldiers in the British Army. It probably dates from the 1920s and was in widespread use during World War II. A sand rat is a whore, hooker or prostitute in a seaside town. These women were not based in a bordello but walked a pavement ‘beat’ (see also pavement fairy) and were known as sand rats because, like rats, they only came out at night and would take their clients down to the beach for sex on the sand.
A British squaddie going on leave would be asked by his mates what he intended doing. His itinerary would almost certainly include the phrase ‘sand ratting’. This meant that he intended to engage the services of a sand rat.
by AKACroatalin March 22, 2017
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American slang dating back to the time of the old west. It was used by people who were established in frontier towns to describe someone new, either to the area or the prevailing conditions; someone lacking experience and who was perhaps a little naive. Mildly disparaging but without any real malice it is still used occasionally to describe someone who is just starting out on their chosen career.
Despite having been to university, you’re still a tenderfoot when you start in the workplace.
by AKACroatalin September 1, 2016
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A toe rag was originally a foot wrapping used, since mediaeval times up until the mid-nineteenth century, to protect the foot from chafing by boots or shoes. As these were, quite literally, rags they weren’t usually washed, and so with use they became very smelly until they were thrown away. Because of the similarity in smell, toe rag also became the name applied to dried, salted cod or other things with a strong, unpleasant, fishy smell. It didn’t take that long before the name was applied to someone who was an obnoxious, unpleasant OIC.
1 “Socks! Those aren’t socks you smelly git, they’re toe rags!”
2 “What have you been cooking? Smells like toe rag!”
3 “I can smell ‘er fanny from ‘ere, proper toe rag.”
4 That Heale Malcolm is a right toe rag.
by AKACroatalin November 29, 2016
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This is British slang and is a slightly less vulgar way of saying pain in the arse or pain in the ass if you are American. In this expression the bum in question isn’t an American bum, a word that dates from around the mid nineteenth century, but an English or Australian bum, a word that dates back to the early seventeenth century. At one time the word was not considered to be vulgar at all and was used extensively during the seventeenth an eighteenth centuries. One Gentleman Soldier, fighting for the King during the English Civil War, wrote in a letter that on one occasion the going as so difficult that he “slipped and fell on my bum”.
Putting it politely, Malcolm, you are nothing but a pain in the bum!”
by AKACroatalin March 4, 2019
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The lowest form of animal life; they are the arseholes who use the law in ways for which it was not intended. Some of these scumbags, quite literally, follow ambulances carrying people, involved in traffic accidents, to hospital in order to get them to make a claim against the other party involved. In Britain, these bastards use human rights law to prevent paedophile rapists from being deported back to their country of origin. They’re the ones who act on behalf of terrorists to pursue damages against troops who were doing their duty under incredibly difficult circumstances. Why do they do it? For money, they cynically exploit the law that is supposed to protect people to make themselves rich. They are vermin and should be treated as such.
“An online petition has been set up to make it legal to kill ambulance chasing lawyers!”
“Where do I sign?”
by AKACroatalin September 1, 2016
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This is behaviour on the part of an employee or employees that works against the legitimate interests of the organisation that employs them or indeed their own interests. This sort of behaviour is detrimental to the organisation, its employees, clients and customers. It is believed that persons with a tendency to experience anger are more likely to respond to a stressful situation, such as being treated unfairly with counterproductive workplace behaviour.
When the supervisor blamed Charlie for his own mistake, Charlie deliberately jammed all three photocopiers in a fit of counterproductive workplace behaviour.
by AKACroatalin June 9, 2015
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A woman's fart smells worse than a man's. Although this may sound difficult to believe it is absolutely true! Although women and men produce the same amount of flatulence, a study conducted by Dr. Michael D Levitt, a gastroenterologist working in Minneapolis, found that women's farts consistently contain significantly greater concentrations of hydrogen sulphide, so they are definitely smellier.
Are you sure Malcolm isn’t a woman?”
“Fairly sure, why do you ask?”
“Well it’s because of fart fact 4.”
by AKACroatalin October 27, 2019
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