5 definitions by AAAAAfuckthisAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

A thing used to poke holes in condoms so that your ex has to pay extra for

1. Birth Control
2. A child
Joe: I think my ex poked a hole in the condom she gave me with a pokey thing, (syringe)
Other Joe: Damn, that's crazy
by AAAAAfuckthisAAAAAAAAAAAAAA October 10, 2021
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Discourse on whether or not Vriska Serket, the cerulean blooded troll from Homestuck, did anything wrong.
cool guy: Vriskourse isn't need because it's very obvious that Vriska was a terrible troll who did terrible things.

fucking loser: well akshually-

cool guy: stfu
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A day that most likely, doesn't exist.
But... It might.
some dude 1: Bro I can't wait for July 42nd!
some dude 2: I don't think that exists...
some dude 1: e x a c t l y, I have n o t h i n g to look toward to 👴
by AAAAAfuckthisAAAAAAAAAAAAAA October 8, 2021
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