24 definitions by A7X forever

A painful condition caused by leaning foward while sitting on a couch for a prolonged period of time. Normally comes from playing games such as Mario Kart Wii and any NFS game, where you play Wi-Fi for too long or get in a long pursuit. The remedy is simple, stop playing, stand up, (if you can) stretch, and if you have to, take off your pants.
Other conditions that may accompany gamer's waist include; Gamer's Thumb- Painful, red, possibly concave mark on your thumb. Gamer's Wrist/Gamer's Hand- A cramp that comes from holding a controller the wrong way, the feeling may remain for the entire day. Gamer's Flashback Syndrome- When you close your eyes you can still see the game, comes from playing late at night. And finally, Gamer's Foot- What happens when you play Cod4 for extended periods of time, especially during Wi-Fi matches.
by A7X forever July 21, 2010
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THE BEST DAMN CAR IN THE WORLD. enzo ferrari was far more brilliant than any asswipe you've read about in history.1929 he established the company and they're still making ferraris, in 2013 they're coming out with the Piero. i think that if you buy a ferrari you most likely have more bank than brains, but i still love the cars.
rich dude: "i'm gonna go buy the ferrari f430 scuderia."
normal dude: "why not just get a nice chevy?"
normal dude:"chill out man!"
by A7X forever May 28, 2010
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Metroid Other M is the latest installment in the Metroid game series. Metroid Other M takes place after Super Metroid. Samus is flying her ship when she encounters a distress call codenamed 'baby's cry'. She flys to a huge space station called the Bottle Ship, where she meets her former commanding officer Adam Malkovich and the 7th Platoon which she used to fight with. You will play through 3 sectors and also 2 extra ones called Main Sector, (where you begin) and Sector Zero, (where the game ends.) Sector 1 is a jungle, sector 2 is snow, and sector 3 is lava. *SPOILER ALERT* Eventually you meet a girl name Madelin Bergman or MB for short, who is a witness to a murder... one of the members on you platoon is a traitor. Anthony Higgs, a long-time friend of Samus, is thrown into the lava by Ridley, but miraculously survives. It is eventually discovered that the Galactic Federation is creating metroids to use them as a weapon. Adam Malkovich gives his life to save Samus, they have had a rough past. She was rebellious during her days in the Federation, and at the end of each briefing, Adam would say, "No objections, right lady?" Members would give a thumbs up if they understood and agreed with the briefing, but Samus gave a thumbs down. Samus makes it out fine and so does Anthony.
Metroid Other M is a must-buy game!
by A7X forever September 7, 2010
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Something to shock and disgust the person you said it to. Say it to a guy, they will die laughing. Say it to a girl... you will never have sex.
stupid guy: *goes for walk* "hi Amy! CRAP FILLED VAGINA!!!"
Amy: "You and your dick are going to die sad and alone.
by A7X forever September 8, 2010
The day we mourn the massive losses from 9/11, and want to kill every Islamic assbag in the world. It should be especially interesting in Gainsville, Florida... This year is the 10th anniversary, and on Sept. 11, there is a huge football game in Gainsville. I'm not hoping for anything, but think about what could happen. To double the threat, a pastor in the same area is holding, 'Burn a Koran Day'. This guy doesn't think right, HE INVITED TERRORISTS TO COME! WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT?! He's not a true pastor, he just spews bullshit all over Islam. I don't blame him, but it makes him look bad, especially given the fact people look up to him. I'm not kidding, this guy is fucking crazy.
On September 11, I think I'll buy an American Flag to put, (respectfully of course) on my wall instead of making the people who can kill us angry.
by A7X forever September 8, 2010
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You are abnoctious if you:
a. spell noob 'n00b'.
b. say the words 'fail' and 'teh'
c. hear a joke and reply 'LoLzZZ LyYKke OmGzzZz ThtZzz LyYKkE SOoOo FuNNiiI!'
d. if in cod4 you spell dick 'd!ck' ass '@$$' and faggot 'f499Ott'.
Dude, there was some abnoctious kid on cod4 yesterday. he kept sending me messages saying, "U GoTTt pWnEDDdD!!1!1!!!".
by A7X forever September 9, 2010
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Leader of the Russian government loyalists in cod4. You, Gaz, Price, and other members of the S.A.S. accompany Kamarov in the mission 'Safehouse'. Your team is looking for Nikoli, an informant who has been kidnapped and is being held in a small village.
Price: "Kamarov and his loyalist forces will be waiting for us on the other side of the field, let's move."
Gaz: "Are those the good Russians or the bad ones?"
Price: "Well they won't shoot us on sight if that's what you're asking."
Gaz: "Yeah well that's good enough for me."
by A7X forever November 6, 2010
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