3 definitions by A pyrocynical/leafy fanfag

A person who is very salty and considered a bully. Tries to protect his reputation by yelling at people to delete things that expose him, and can reduce someone to tears.
Person 1: "Man, that guy is an asshole. He's like Keemstar, being salty all the time."
Person 2: "Yeah, hes a total Scooty."
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Pyro·cynical (noun) A YouTube sensation who makes reviews on cringy videos. His most famous review was his "SMALL LOAN OF A MILLION DOLLARS" review, which, much like Leafy's reptilian phase, broke out over the internet. Going in many comment sections, etc
Leafy: "Pyrocynical, your a faggot"
Pyrocynical: "fock off cyka bagoujue"
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When a President of the United States is elected and the republican/democratic side goes nuts because their pick did not win. Usually involves conspiracy, rumor, or pure falsehood.
2001 Democrat: I'm telling you man, George Bush was definitely involved in the explosion at the Pentagon.

2012 Republican: Hah, you're crazy! Meanwhile you still think that Obama wasn't involved in Sandy Hook.

Sensible Person: Jesus, look at these morons back then, having a 4 Year Seizure.
by A pyrocynical/leafy fanfag October 1, 2017
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