41 definitions by A WHITE GUY

he gives kids free candy out of the back of his windowless van and asks them what their mom is wearing today and when their dad is coming home from work. the sex offender may also be seen hiding in a tree with a pair of binoculars and a camcorder.
by A WHITE GUY February 19, 2014
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Nuclear horse piss that is sold as a disgusting energy drink.

Describing anything that is large.

The creature that lives in your closet and under your bed.

A sadistic pedophile who molests and rapes children he abducts.
I tried a monster energy drink the other day, it was the grossest shit i have ever tasted. I poured the rest of it into my neighbor's dogs water dish, the dog caught fire.

Whoa, that fish is a monster.

"Mommy, I need you to look in my closet and check under my bed for monsters."
"For fuck sake Tommy, you're 35 years old. why do you still believe in monsters?"
"Remember when I was kidnapped and raped by that monster in his van. And I still didn't get any free candy."
by A WHITE GUY August 28, 2014
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The butt of every joke and the number one answer to every question.
“What’s that nasty smell?” Yo momma opened her legs, that’s what that nasty smell is.

“What’s the square root of 100?”
Yo momma’s saggy titties is the square root of 100, bitch!!!
by A WHITE GUY April 29, 2019
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KFC double down sandwich. (aka the double death sandwich)

It consists of 2 fried chicken breasts (used instead of a traditional bun), 2 slices of bacon, and a slice of cheese with some kind of sauce.

You can't call it a heart attack on a bun because it doesn't even have a bun. You could probably only find it in america.
American fat fuck1:Hey phil, you down to eat a shitload of death sandwiches from kfc?
American fat fuck2:Hell yeah Randy, I'm not only down, I'm double down. and while we're there, we'll order some large sodas and see if they can fill the cups with gravy.
American fat fuck1:Oh shit, I forgot that we're too fat to even walk up to the drive thru window.
American fat fuck2:awwwww man, I only had 47 heart attacks this year.
American fat fuck1: We better smoke some crack to drop some weight so we can actually fit inside of kfc.
by A WHITE GUY July 14, 2014
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An individual (typically sheltered white suburban kids from upper middle class families) who feels that they need to follow all the latest trends and fads religiously, and pretend to be someone they're not in order to be accepted by others, making themselves look like complete idiots. Similar to sheeple.
Tool: "I was camping outside the apple store the night before the latest Iphone release, and my man-bun fell out, so I had to put on my fedora #badhairday"
by A WHITE GUY June 14, 2017
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Step 1) Fill enema bag with vodka or gin.
Step 2) Fill your sexual partner's anus with liquor enema, then sodomize him/her on an unbalanced wahsing machine.
Step 3) Hold martini glasses under partner's anus until they're completely filled with the shitty alcoholic liquid
Step 4) Stab some turd nuggets with some toothpicks, voila.
A shartini would most likely be served at a scat party.
by A WHITE GUY July 9, 2017
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An old crappy run down trailer park where you will most likely find the crystal meth very easily.
(BOOM!!!) Hey bob, did you hear that?
Yeah, there must have been another meth lab explosion in the metal ghetto.
by A WHITE GUY July 13, 2013
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