41 definitions by A WHITE GUY

-a car that is mostly composed of rust, dents, doors and body panels that aren't even the same color as the car itself, plenty of bondo and spray can paint repairs, runs like shit, and has obnoxiously loud exhaust.

-scion xb, nissan cube, honda element, kia soul, or any other ugly ass faggy box shaped cars that are out there.

-any hybrid car or smart car.

-hummer h2.

-public transportation.
"why is bob putting all of his money in to that piece of shit civic of his. he only paid $300 for it and he just bought a sound system with 20in subs."

"yeah, and he also bought a $400 flowmaster exhaust system and didn't even bother to give it a tune up."
"he put over 50 lbs of bondo and spraypaint on the body and still doesn't bother to paint the front fenders or passenger door the same color."
"and he tries to race everybody with it and he got his doors blown off by an old guy on his rascal."
"god damn loser cruiser."
by A WHITE GUY September 25, 2013
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Not to be confused with white trash and hillbillies.
enjoy hunting, fishing, camping and other recreation.
are hard working people who do the jobs nobody wants to do.
do not have sex with blood relatives. -hillbillies.
do not all live in trailers or shacks.
do not decorate our front lawns with garbage and broken toilets -white trash.
are racist against douche bags who look down at us because we wear hunting clothes as casual clothing, and proudly drive our gas guzzling american cars.
are not to be fucked with.
enjoy drinking beer, not that pussy ass light beer shit that is just piss water. Only fags and women drink it!
hate going to mechanics plumbers electricians and contractors, since we know how to do that stuff ourselves for half the price.
hate new technology such as smart phones and ipads. Only fags buy it to attract other fags and act smug about it.
throw mc donalds shakes at the front windshields of retards who text and drive.
don't all drive our old pick up trucks and pre 1990's era american cars because we can't afford new ones. Most of us still drive them because we actually know how to fix them and don't want to spend over $40,000 on a new piece of shit that's mostly made of plastic and beer can material which was probably shipped here from japan, china, and mexico to be assembled here so they can rust away and fall apart in 3 years. So shut the fuck up with your 5 star crash test rating and "sleek styling.
dick: "Why don't you go home and have sex with your grandmasistermothercousinaunt you stupid redneck."
redneck: "Fuck you, those are hillbillies you jackass."
dick: ":8"

faggot: "Why are you still driving that old tank? Are you poor or something?"
redneck: "No."
faggot: "You should buy a toyota prius. It is eco friendly and made in america."
redneck: "That car is a total gay magnet, and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing american about that piece of shit. It's shaped like it could be some sort of anal sex toy and if you bring that thing on my property again, I will squash it like a bug with my 78 chevy. You will catch me with a dick in my mouth before you catch me driving that. REDNECK 4 LIFE!
by A WHITE GUY August 20, 2013
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When the anus protrudes out of ones backside, it resembles a cupcake with red frosting, but that’s where the poop comes from, hence chocolate cupcake with red frosting.
by A WHITE GUY November 15, 2019
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the measurement of space on a computer's harddrive used for downloaded child porn.
pedophile 1: I have over 200 pedobytes of cp on my macbook!
pedophile 2: I have over 500 pedobytes of cp on my ipad!
(FBI shows up)
by A WHITE GUY February 19, 2014
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A place that stupid idiots and the media portray to be a great place to visit or live, but in reality is a crime infested rundown shithole and the people there are rude and the food sucks.
Also known as Paris France.
When I went to paris, it was the most horrible place I have ever been to. The whole city was a shithole, my wallet with my id, passport, and all of my money was stolen by some little kids, all the people there were snooty little dickheads that reeked of piss and B-O, the women there are ugly as hell and don't shave their armpits, and they eat fucking snails over there. FUCKING SNAILS!!!
Don't ever go to france, it's a god damn tourist trap. No matter how glamorous the media portrays it to be, it fucking sucks donkey dick.
by A WHITE GUY July 2, 2015
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An excuse for willfully ignorant and stupid bigots to justify their intolerance and hate against people who are different than them (race, creed, gender, sexuality etc...)

Don’t let those assholes discourage you from believing in god since most religious people are good people.
Gay couple: Why did you vandalize our house?
Gay couple: But we didn’t choose to be gay, it's not our fault.
Bible thumper: That’s not true, there are camps where you can pray the gay away. I’ve been there twice and I got cured.
Gay couple: Are you sure you’re cured?
by A WHITE GUY January 27, 2019
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Sheep make that sound. Not only the farm animal sheep say that, but the single digit IQ social media junkies with group mentalities and no minds of their own do too when referring to their significant other, ie. the other kind of sheep. I'm aware it means (before anyone else), but it just seems like you're too lazy to say "babe", thus making you sound like a tool (or toolette).

It's also the danish word for shit.
If my GF ever calles me "Bae", I'll be dumping her faster than when I snort ex-lax after eating a deadly combo of Taco Bell and Arby's.
by A WHITE GUY August 31, 2017
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