1 definition by A displeased southerner

In my opinion, the south is a nice place to live. I actually do have an education, I don't practice incest, I don't have an 'atrocious' accent, in fact none of my words sound at all like they have any accent to them at all (I know, this is amazing, as I'm a stupid southerner right?), I'm not prejudiced, and I'm not retarded as most would like to say I am. I do disregard most of the prejudiced comments made by northerners. I don't even say y'all. I mean, if you want to talk about people that are described by the examples I have just mentioned, call them rednecks. There is a difference between these two classes of people. Rednecks do have an atrocious accent and are sometimes prejudiced (not always). If you're going to put comments such as have been posted before about southerners, re-title them "redneck" "white trash" or something else. I know that most of the northerners call us stupid and generalize all of us into one group. That is just not the case. I'm sorry, it really isn't. You all call us prejudiced, yet look at your own comments. I'm tolerant of all races. I even have friends from New York who I constantly have to hear putting down the south. But I tolerate it, and I move on. Wow, aren't I such a southerner, what with my horrible grammar and lack of an education. I also don't think the south will rise again. I prefer our nation united, as there are good contributions from every part of the country. At least I'm not insulting northerners. ;
Northerner: I'm going to post something on the internet about southerners! This will be completely based on opinion and backed up by absolutely no facts at all!

Southerner: Hmm, this description of southerners is definitely a bit misled.
by A displeased southerner July 27, 2008
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