9 definitions by 7mary3

a condition were one completely melts down at work after a long alcohol and drug filled weekend, usually triggered from a loss of a favorite sporting team. symptoms include but are not limited to, showing up late for work, being completely distraught and unproductive, excessive ranting about the prior game at hand, this individual may be very argumentative, maybe very sweaty, obsession will be obvious when discussing such sporting event, other signs include drinking large amounts of Gatorade, and also a long early morning coffee break. at this time the individual may appear to be coming down. Don't be fooled, the next round of symptoms are about to set in, they include multiple shit brakes at the porter potty, excessive vehicle searches, (one may not ever actually know what may be being looked for), also multiple meaningless phone calls may be in place, followed by lots of back and forth pacing for no reason at all, with random snack hours such as hole bags of potato chips or pretzels, the best way to combat this individual is to make it appear that you yourself are actually the problem. never confront with face to face altercation
Look out the birds lost there's going to be a Monday morning meltdown.

The tragedy find a monday morning meltdown is that jose is the real victem here.
by 7mary3 September 29, 2014
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The heat source one uses to cook day old food usually kept under a car seat or odd unsanitary spot. A sunny day can provide an excellent spot to place the cheeseburger you found under your seat by simply rolling up your windows and placing on your dash board. Recommended 90 degrees at 3 1/2 hours of direct exposure. All week old gas station pizza cooks well in a furnace to ones home. Recommended cook time At 70 degrees is 25 min.
I bet you by using the dominican oven he will have a case of the flying shits again.

My house smells like taco bell again, i bet the carpenter was using my heater as a dominican oven
by 7mary3 September 16, 2014
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