5 definitions by 6doublefive321

Dumbass who put NOS energy drink in his bike thinking it would improve its performance. Guy originally posted on a GSXR forum (user sti2gsxr), and may or may not have posted as a joke. Nonetheless, its funny as hell because, someone, somewhere has done it.
sti2gsxr is forever know as "nos guy" after he put NOS energy drink in his bike.
by 6doublefive321 May 23, 2009
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A person of color who is triggered by anything and everything and claims that the most innocuous concepts are racist.
I ran into a sootflake today that told me I was racist because I held a door open for them.
by 6doublefive321 June 5, 2023
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The buzzards were flocking to eat the cairn.

You ain't a man until you've sat down and ate breakfast next to a pile of cairn.
by 6doublefive321 February 8, 2009
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When people get upset at satirical comments made on a satirical group or internet page.
Libirony - Dude got triggered when I made a comment about someone being morbidly obese on The People of Wal-Mart page.
by 6doublefive321 February 10, 2023
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Theoretical island where all crappy musicians and all traces of their music go to never be heard from again. Because of the craptastic nature of the music, it is never missed.
Bryan Adams sucks. He belongs on Bob Seger Island.
by 6doublefive321 February 5, 2009
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