11 definitions by 420hitter

basically you gag someone during
rear entry, produces vaginal/anal clenching.
bitches pussy was so loose i had to wolf bag her to get a good clench
by 420hitter March 9, 2003
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(noun) an acronym for "Fat Upper Pooch
Area" Some women have a good body, but an excess amount of fat between their pussy and belly button. Gross indeed.
I was talking to this hot chick, then I noticed she had a FUPA. Talk about a dick shrinker!
by 420hitter February 21, 2003
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foreskin on a male, often from Oregon
That freakich Oregon kid has a sleeping bag to go with his wank-wank-sack-bag
by 420hitter December 2, 2002
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a game popularized by Phil Hendrie.
You rate women based on how much alocohol/drugs it would take to fuck
pam anderson = 0 beers
your girlfriend = 10 beers
My girlfriend = 1/2 a keg
Hillary Clinton = heroin

by 420hitter December 4, 2002
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you fuck ugly girl or ugly/fat girl.
after cumming, ashamed, you shove condom into her mouth and say, "if you tell anyone about this I'll kill you."
I fucked this nasty-ass-slut last night,
but nobody will ever know 'cause she took the code of silence
by 420hitter February 21, 2003
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this only happens in prison.
After reaming a freshies bung, the violator pulls out and slaps cum, boold, and shit across the victim's face
OJ got chili-whipped on his first day
by 420hitter December 4, 2002
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