4 definitions by 4:31Time

A type of Kryptonite that turns Kryptonians gay. It has only made one appearance in the DC universe. In issue #79 of one of the Supergirl Comics.
Lois: You know Superman’s been acting awfully strange since being exposed to Pink Kryptonite. What is wrong with him?
Supergirl: Lois you don’t want to know.
by 4:31Time April 19, 2020
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Erbli’s are very kind and smart. Although, not always the best at math. They can seem cold from a distance, but when you get to know them they are very nice. They will comfort you when you are sad, and they care about you.
Person 1: Have you met that girl Erbli?
Person 2: Yeah, she’s actually very sweet.
Person 1: I’ve heard that from some other people, but I never actually talked to her.
Person 2: Well you should!
by 4:31Time April 15, 2020
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Acronym for “I don’t even know what I’m talking about.” Often used to confuse the shit out of people over text.
Person 1: *Says terrible joke*
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Idekwita
by 4:31Time April 17, 2020
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The one the principal sleeps with to completely monopolize the school board.
Person 1: Have you talked to the Assistant Principal recently?
Person 2: No, I don’t think so.
Person 1: That’s because she was fired after being caught sleeping with the principal.
Person 2: Oh my god really, that’s insane!
Person 1: I know!
by 4:31Time April 23, 2020
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