1 definition by 3/75

Special Forces or SF, is an elite special operations force of the U.S. Army trained for guerrilla warfare, unconventional warfare, and special operations.
The phrase Special forces is commonly used to refer to any soldier under Special Operations Command. However, the term "Special Forces" is a direct reference to The United States Army Green Beret's. The Green Beret cadre consists of 8 active groups 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 19th, 20th groups respectively. Special Forces are also Special Operations, however, there is only one Special Forces.
Special Forces Groups are futher distinguished by specific ODA (Operational Detatchment Alpha), not to be confused with ODD, or D-boys, Operational Detatchment Delta, or more commonly refered to as Delta Force. Also incorrectly lumped into the Special Forces nomenclature are RANGER Batts, NAVSPECWAR operators (SEALS, DEVGRU, NSWU) and Air Force CCT, PJ, TACP operators. While many of these units function in a similar capacity to SF operators, there are in fact not Special Forces, but are known by their aforementioned acronyms. All fall under JSOC (joint special operations command) thus can be accurately described as special operations.
I just got finished with the Q course

-really, Special Forces?


-cool, my buddy is SF, he's in the navy, SEAL team 3

-he's not SF then, he's special warfare.
by 3/75 October 23, 2007
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