30 definitions by 2B+

Identifying that you're attractive and hot even when it's obvious to everyone else that you're not.
My transtractive friends are beautiful in their own ways.
by 2B+ September 14, 2022
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A counterbeit, (pronounced like counterfeit), coin is any digital representation of actual gold or silver coins. They are false images designed to lend credence to digital currencies. In essence, they are fakes made to fool you.
I tried to pay with a counterbeit coin and the cops came and arrested me.
by 2B+ August 23, 2022
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A counterbit coin is any digital representation of actual gold or silver coins. They are false images designed to lend credence to digital currencies. In essence, they are fakes made to fool you.
I keep getting ads for counterbit coins through my emails, I always report and block the senders.
by 2B+ August 17, 2022
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It's a funding website where people can donate money to destroy people they don't like.
Did you hear what that asshole said about me on the news last night. Will you support me if I start a gofuckme campaign to bankrupt his ass?
by 2B+ April 26, 2015
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Used to describe what happens when the teleprompter goes blank while a speaker is reading from it, the words uttered after that are almost always improper.
Did you hear the imprompter words spoken by the president last night, I'll bet they fired the teleprompter operator immediately.
by 2B+ August 11, 2013
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Quite simply, a word burner is someone or some group who wants to ban words they disagree with. They will attempt to ban words outright or they will attempt to change the words meaning, claiming only they know the meaning of words.

Similar to the book burners of the past and present, word burning is a more insidious form of censorship. Not allowing you to read something is one thing, not allowing you to say something is a whole new ball game.
Say the wrong word and a word burner will correct you on the spot.
by 2B+ November 29, 2022
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