1 definition by 13s

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

If you have severe OCD it will ruin your life. Really.

It may lead you to irrational phobias like

Trypophobia (fear of clustered holes.)

You can't handle knives or guns , getting intrusive thoughts to hurt yourself or your loved ones.

You get Depressed.
You get Mood-Swngs
Everything has to be symmetrical.
You become illogical.
You become a different person
I shot myself with a hot glue gun.

I turned off the emergency stop for the escalator button causing the police to come.

I turned off the main power supply of a building causing the whole place to black-out and the people there scolded me thinking im misbehaving.

i stick knives in my neck , scissors into my tounge to satisfy these compulsions.

Due to the intrusions in my head , i can't sleep at night or listen in class. I got a 1.71 GPA during my first year in college.

I have compulsions to scratch paper when doing homework or during class

I bite walls.

I recheck everything again and again.

I make weird eye movements.

( I have OCD , i see the psychiatrist , psychologist , i take fluoxetine. People may laugh at this disease , but it's not funny if you have it. You are lucky not to have this. )
by 13s October 10, 2011
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