3 definitions by 1337_al3rt

RFI = Remote File Inclusion

If a website is vunerable to RFI ( i don't say how to found this ) you can include a PHP Shell and you have root acces at webserver.

Shell (c99,r57,c100 etc.)
www.site.com/index.php?pagina=Link to the Shell

by 1337_al3rt April 2, 2008
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CSRF = Cross Site Request Forgery
CSRF = Cross Site Request Forgery

Derive from XSS ( Cross Site Scripting)
by 1337_al3rt April 2, 2008
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Photoshop (CS2,CS3)
Program for photo manipulation,design,web layouts,buutons...
Photoshop (CS2,CS3)
Program for photo manipulation,design,web layouts..
by 1337_al3rt April 4, 2008
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