6 definitions by 12345pene

This is the epitome of nongamer behavior. This people will prioritize gaming on their phones or tablets over PC or console gaming. Person will frequently be a Mac fanboy and will be so into their Apple phone they will refuse to play games on anything else. Will be seen frequently playing games like angry birds and bloons tower defense. The terrible thing about this kind of gamer is that they'll interrupt conversations to whip out their phone and play a shitty mobile game. A kind of subgamer. Will most likely also be completely obsessed with memes.
That kid has been playing mobile games for six hours strait while sitting at his computer. He must be a mobilegamer.

*kid looks over* "wanna see a meme?"
by 12345pene June 26, 2015
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One who plays exclusively flash games off the internet for free and does not partake in the normal gaming world's normal video games. Also known as a subgamer or a nongamer.
That guy only plays free internet games. He must be a flashgamer.
by 12345pene March 7, 2015
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An utter and complete fool; someone who is so naive and devoid of wisdom and intelligent thought, a more offensive and more difficult word is too good for them. Thus, they are described as a dingus.
Guy one: *spills drink all over rug, then breaks the bottle on accident*
Guy two: "ya dingus!"
by 12345pene November 7, 2014
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1. A slang term for stuff you want and want to go get.
2. A term used to describe a price on someone's head.
1. Bro one: bro, let's go pick up some bounty at 7/11, I'm in the mood for some food.
Bro two: yeah bro lets go get some of that bounty.
2. Argh yee matey yee has a bounty or two on yer head.
by 12345pene November 5, 2014
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One who does not game in the normal fashion. It could also be someone who partakes only in lame games or games that are not accepted by

the gaming community at large. Also, someone who doesn't accept gamer culture and is a troll. Flashgamer is a subcategory of nongamer and can be equally obnoxious and offensive.
guy 1: I'm so cool i play smite everyday by myself and rage quit every match.
Guy 2: bro ur kind of a nongamer.
by 12345pene March 29, 2015
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One who plays games that aren't really real games. He migh play Mario bros professionally or iron man on the PSP. He enjoys it, but gets no amusement from it. Generally disrespected and will be known to troll on real games from time to time. Also known as a nongamer. A flashgamer is a type of subgamer.
Guy 1: lets go play a poorly made Superhero game for six hours and beat the campaign seventeen times!
Guy 2: nah man that's lame. Ur a subgamer.
by 12345pene April 15, 2015
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