33 definitions by ..WiL

In men, the prostate, which is only for the adventurous or gay male as it can only be tracked down a couple of inches inside the anus (though not ALL men can find theirs this way).

For the adventurous, here's how to (maybe) find it: Take a crap and cut your nails first (advisable), sit in the bath, lube your middle finger with some soap and insert it carefully into the anus about to the 2nd knuckle, then bend it and aim for the back of your dick. Its easier to find if your dick is erect at the time and feels like a small fleshy doughnut. Find the centre. Press. Stimulate it in a rythymic way and its possible to have an arse orgasm!
Dear Diary, today I found my G-spot, and now I can't get it out of my head that I might have to grow a moustache and learn to walk like Wilma.
by ..WiL May 18, 2005
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Once just generally meaning confused thoughts but now used to mean when two or more people are talking in an internet chatroom and get two different subjects confused together.
WiL> Have you got it yet?
Tony> I got summat well kewl other day!
WiL> Oh?
Tony> Ill look, BRB...
WiL> Sent it ages ago!
Tony> Its well kewl, a mate sent it 2 me! :D
WiL> He did!? Hang on, weve got Crossed Threads, mate, R U on about the mail I sent U or this other thing?
by ..WiL May 18, 2005
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Tea with added grass. Gets you spaced, hence space tea.
Take a cafetiere about 2 mugfulls big and put 3 teabags of your choice into it (I prefer citrus fruit flavour though peppermint works well too) and about 1 small bud of green, chopped or pulled apart. Add the boiling water and wait about 5-10 minutes. Press down the plunger a few times to mix it all up & serve, preferably in small glasses such as moroccan tea glasses. Add sugar to taste, drink. Get spaced. Watch an old 70's sci fi DVD at double speed with the sound off and play some chilling muzak. Chat. Giggle.
by ..WiL July 27, 2005
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Mystery bruises caused by a night out with the beer monster, which you have NO MEMORY AT ALL of obtaining.

Particularly impressive when found on the face, possibly from calling Jesus on the porcelain telephone.
Ouch, what the hell was I doing last night!? And where am I? And why is there diced carrot in my hair!?
by ..WiL May 22, 2005
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Any internet post presented as fact which is then shot down in flames by everyone else on the board, much like Car Crash TV, it's painful to look at, but also quite compelling.
That post where that guy thought he'd invented the phrase 'car crash tv' only to have half the board prove him wrong was a proper car crash post!
by ..WiL February 24, 2009
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