33 definitions by ..WiL

1. A guy who drinks lots and falls over every available free moment.

2. The evil monster that visits you when you have been on a bender and steals all your money, sends bizarre text messages and offensive e-mails to all your friends, makes all your clothes smell funny, hides your underwear, messes up your house, and then shits in your mouth before leaving.
Also wipes all your memory of the previous night.

By either definition, he's a cunt and you spend all your time apologising for him.
1. I have never seen Rob sober, the guy's a complete Beer Monster.

2. I need to go into town, the Beer Monster stole all my money, <vomits>, maybe later...
by ..WiL May 22, 2005
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Any American-ized word or phrase, such as changing the spelling of words to sound as they mis-pronounce them, using 4 syllables or words where 1 would have sufficed, or inventing a new word or phrase because it sounds nicer (most commonly heard whenever they are 'fighting for peace' again).
Color, Armor, Boro, Aluminum, Leftenant (??), putting Z's instead of S's in words, or using clunky acronyms because they make a meaningful word (Arrogant American Alliance with Rightwing Goverments against Hope!, or Aaargh!)

Weapons Of Mass Destruction (Nukes), The Road Map (Plan), Freedom Fighters (terrorists we like), Terrorists (anyone we don't), Terrorist Suspect (anyone), Liberating <insert name of latest militarily inferior country that has weapons we supplied and something we want> in the Name of Peace and Democracy (slaughter and pillage <name>), Anti-American (anyone who disagrees), Anti-American Activist (anyone that tries to stop us), Our Friends and Allies in Europe (anyone with nukes), 9/11 (oops, apparently having nukes doesn't make you immune to retaliation), Pulling Together in the War for Democracy! (so c'mon England, lets make some NEW enemies!).
by ..WiL May 20, 2005
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A way of gettin away with calling someone a bastard in polite company, like in front of your Mum.
He's a complete Bar Steward!
by ..WiL May 23, 2005
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The modern mis-spelling of definitely seen in almost every modern example where a spell checker was not deployed, most commonly in internet chat, probably from its mis-pronunciation by modern youth and/or being confused with unfortunately.
by ..WiL May 16, 2005
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Happy smiley, dancey Goths, see www.thewendyhouse.org for excellent examples.
Musical examples: VNV nation, Apoptygma Berserk, google em up!
by ..WiL July 27, 2005
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Half filled bath of hot soapy water shared amongst friends, used to wash off the disco dirt post clubbing or boozing before everyone crashes out on your sofa and floor.
I've filled the bath if anyone wants a quick sheep dip to wash off the disco dirt, best get in early before it gets sticky!
by ..WiL January 29, 2007
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A phrase for taking the piss out of excessively effeminate men, inspired by the oddly camp way Wilma and Betty walk on the TV cartoon show The Flintstones.
by ..WiL May 18, 2005
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