33 definitions by ..WiL

Any idea, craze or cultural phenomenon made up from otherwise long dead and/or unlikely parts but has for some reason recently sparked general interest, becomes a monster, and then when your thoroughly sick of the bastard you cant get rid of it!
Fucking hell, that bastard annoying frog doing engine noises has become a right Frankensteins Monster! Pass the pitch fork, someone!
by ..WiL May 18, 2005
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The verbal diarrhoea and bizarre speech strong drugs (not necessarily Heroin) cause in bag heads and Chavs.

They slur, stammer, and speak from the back of the throat in a strange, zombie like, and above all LOUD voice, with entirely random emphasis, and a truly stunnin use of the word FUCK in all its forms, used where there should have been a pause. All apparently with absolutely NO self awareness AT ALL!

See Bez from The Happy Mondays for an excellent example!
Man, Im fuckin WELL in fuckin NEED man, fuck, you know what I fuckin MEAN man, lets DO this fuckin place man, come on, fuck it, I dont fuckin give a SHIT me man, you know what I fuckin MEAN man? FUCK! U got any spare CHANGE man? HEY!! FUCK you man FUCK you!! etc etc etc ad nauseum
by ..WiL May 19, 2005
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Self defined temporary bi-sexual status visited upon an otherwise totally straight guy to excuse the fact that everybody knows last weekend, after 8 pints, a pill and some unsuccessful attempts to score some ass, he went back with a gay guy to get his cock sucked.

Usually when said beer queer gets a NEW girlfriend his new found minority status will fly back into the closet so bloody fast it ends up in fucking Narnia, probably never to be seen again!
Malcom's started telling everyone he's bi since he went home with John, but he was only bloody beer queer!
by ..WiL May 16, 2005
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Bigger than huge, pronounced 'Yowj'.

Its a corruption of huge when pronounced 'Hee-yoooo-uge!!'
Have you seen her in that dress!? She looks YOUGE!!
by ..WiL May 15, 2005
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Vodka infused with some weed, gets you very spaced, hence space vodka.

I lay claim to it's invention. If someone else hasn't already. But it's getting very popular around here.
Take a 70cl bottle of cheap generic vodka, take a teabag of a herbal persuasion such as ginger, snip open the teabag and insert a bud of green, loosely stitch together the opening of the teabag with some cotton thread and insert it into the vodka. Leave this at room temperature for at least 3 days to infuse properly then chill in a freezer and serve as shots (if the teabag worries you you can get it out by leaving the thread you used to stitch it attached and pulling it out by that). Drink. Giggle. Talk bollocks. Fall over.
by ..WiL May 26, 2005
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Any "common" homosexual practise that only exists in the minds of straight people for their own amusement.

Such as storing used condoms in the fridge to drink later, 'being the wife', biting the pillow, using vaseline, drinkin cum out of an arse with a golden straw, or, indeed, the apocryphyl inserting a live gerbil up the anus using an empty toilet tube.
Straight man to gay man: 'So what the fuck is this felching thing anyway?'
Gay man: 'I dunno mate, you tell me, as far as Im aware its just another ass-gerbil.'
by ..WiL May 15, 2005
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1. A guy who drinks lots and falls over every available free moment.

2. The evil monster that visits you when you have been on a bender and steals all your money, sends bizarre text messages and offensive e-mails to all your friends, makes all your clothes smell funny, hides your underwear, messes up your house, and then shits in your mouth before leaving.
Also wipes all your memory of the previous night.

By either definition, he's a cunt and you spend all your time apologising for him.
1. I have never seen Rob sober, the guy's a complete Beer Monster.

2. I need to go into town, the Beer Monster stole all my money, <vomits>, maybe later...
by ..WiL May 22, 2005
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