80 definitions by -

A complete and utter retard. Nothing is more retarded than a sphero.
Ha, he's so retarded he's sphero!
by - May 6, 2005
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In parts of Scotland, "here" is an informal replacement for:

1.Excuse me.
2.Listen to this!
1."Here man, can I get a fag?"
2."Aw, here! Have you ever talked to Joe? He's mad, man!"
by - January 8, 2005
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adj. antonym of the word cool. originates from a misspelling of the word cool (ironically), but because of the fact that the only ones to make this mistake were, in fact, n00B fucks the word assumed it's own meaning. not regarded as at all derogatery due to the misunderstanding of meanings.
i M KeWl bUt i hAv n0 FrEnDS. i 1dR Y
by - March 30, 2004
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A vagina in which the inner lips hang out farther than the outer lips. This shit is straight NASTY
His ex has some roast beef
by - March 6, 2005
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Chanel Cole was the greatest contestant of Australian Idol in history. Chanel used a combination of lyrics, melody and tone to enhance and capture the audience. Chanel was a unique and lovely individual who rather then in the competition to win, was there to create both a fashion statement and music statement. A statement of how music really should be.
Chanel Cole came in at 5th place in Australian Idol, but was clearly the worthy winner of Australian Idol 2.
by - January 17, 2005
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(UK) Slang for something that is the cremé-de-la-creme, the leader in it's field
by - August 4, 2002
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