13 definitions by ……………………..

An Elise can be shy but also very outgoing. Elises have major trust issues and have trouble expressing what they really feel. That’s why most people think of them as weird or just super closed off. Elises aren’t the type of people to just walk up to you and introduce herself. If she does, she must really have an interest in you. She can come off as intimidating but she can be really cute when you get close to her!🥰 An Elise can be very self conscious, but in reality she is gorgeous. And let’s be honest your kinda jealous of this girl’s beauty. Elises has a mixture of girl and guy friends. If your a guy and your interested in her and she likes you back , your most likely not in her friend group that means she wants to keep her friends and boyfriend separate and it’s best to keep it that way. She will never talk about her guy friends when she’s around you and she can sometimes get really jealous. She can ether be really hard to read or see through as hell. SO PAY ATTENTION! If she likes you, she’s going to be as soft as possible and very touchy.(hand holding, hugs, ect.) If she thinks your a brat she’ll let you know and try to avoid you as much as possible. THIS GIRL CAN THROW HANDS! DON’T TRY HER! She will never start the fight, but she sure as hell will finish it. She will not let you disrespect her. Sometimes she will hand out with out her guy friends and that means that she wants to have some time without guys to talk about girly things.
Guy 1: who’s that?

Guy2: oh that’s Elise! She’s cute isn’t she

Guy1: oh yeah, I think I’ll flirty with her a little
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She the kind of person to read a thick book in a minute and say it was easy. She’s super smart and caring. She’s a true friend and will never let you down. She the person in the group to do most of the work and say it was a team effort. She loves to spend time with her friends and she’s definitely a cat person.
Person 1: Yes I got Felicity in my group!
Person 2: Your so lucky!
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Noor is brave and fearless with a heart of gold. She a true friend that will hold your hand when your climbing Mount Everest together. She’s always up for a challenge and won’t back down. She will most likely die skydiving or Bungee jumping. She will always have your back through ups and downs. She a smart person with an bright future.
Person 1: Noor got the award for most daring!
Person 2: We all saw that coming!
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Noor is a kind and caring person. She always knows how to make you smile. When you’re with her you’ll have a good time. She never lets problems mess with her. Noor is a true friend that you should be grateful for.
Did you meet Noor today? She was super nice!
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A name that can be shortened to Dev
Random person: hi Devarat

Devarat: you can call me Dev
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Maddy is always having a fun time and will always cheer you up. She has lots of friends and a bold personality. She most likely a dog person. If Maddy is your friend she’ll make you feel loved and welcomed. Shes always down for a party and always look on point. Maddy is super smart and such a music nerd you’ll sure know a Maddy when you see one.
Maddy is so nice
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Maddy has a bold personality with lots of energy. She’s always having fun and cheering you up. She always in the mood to party 🎉. She’s ready to take on the world with knowledge and excitement with all her friends. She is very talented and can amaze you with how many things she knows. She a one in a kind and a true friend
Person 1: did you here Maddy is performing tonight?

Person 2: I’m definitely going to be there.
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