7 definitions by Уαheց

₪ is the icon for the New Israeli Shekel, abrivviated as ILS.
by Уαheց November 4, 2018
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Told me the world

by Уαheց November 4, 2018
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Level 35 boss/ that's how mafia works is the first actual good meme of 2019.

It started when the creators of the mobile game mafia city made advertisements for their game, mostly appearing on such applications like instagram. The short, mostly 30 second clips consisted of really weird, unrealistic, unironically hilarious scenes where people would have a level and name for the level next to their names. They would engage in mostly Illeagal activities such as robbery and would gain levels from their doings. The titles given to them would also change.

The meme grew popular with Slazo's video on the advertisements. It was quickly made into a template, where one figure would have the first title and be on (level 1), another figure will have a different title and a higher level (10, 30) and the last figure would have yet another different title and an even higher level (35, 50, 100). The figures would be, as such, ranked in an ironic way, from least to most in an unknown, but yet somehow hilarious order.
Squidward - Level 1 crook.
Squidward with hair - Level 20 Hitman.
Handsome Squidward- Level 35 boss.
by Уαheց January 5, 2019
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Gone far enough, wants to shank Bowser for thinking it's a trio.
"That's far enough mash bro!"

"I'll shank you, this ain't a trio!
by Уαheց November 10, 2018
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Swissing out is the expression of being neutral, no matter how risky it is. You could be in a middle of an argument between two people, starting to hit each other, and you will stand right in between them, not giving a fuck.
A: We are going to seize your house if you don't help us against B!
B: We will take all your stuff and leave you to burn with B if you don't help us now!
C: Nah fam I got this
(Decides to Swiss out and get the worst of both worlds)
by Уαheց October 3, 2018
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When you put extra salt on a salty meal, and your senses cannot comprehend the sheer amount of salt so they rot in place.
Person 1: You want some salt with that?
Person 2: Yeah um make sure to Carthage it
Person 1: that's a bad idea
by Уαheց October 22, 2018
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