4 definitions by :|

move bitch get out the way
im doin a hundred on the highway
so if you do the speed limit get the fuck out of my way
by :| October 19, 2003
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A terminal-emulation protocol that is widely used on the Internet to log on to network computers. Telnet also refers to the application that uses the Telnet protocol for users who log on from remote locations.
Microsoft Telnet> o 25
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 25.

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
by :| October 19, 2003
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A online credit company that bends over backwards to help fraudulent venders steal money from their "customers" Their policies are optimized to screw people out of their money.
Some knob never sent me my item, ebay said be more patient, paypal then said I waited to long to complain, it was past 30 days, your fucked looser we win agian. Oh wait, nice try.. my REAL credit card company will stomp on you like a little tit. Thank god I did not use my bank account like they try and fistfuck you down the throught with... EVERYTIME... no matter what you set as your default. Asswipes. :|
by :| April 7, 2004
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A spammer at RF that everyone makes fun of, never shuts the fuck up.
by :| September 1, 2004
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