34 definitions by $lapaho

(person) - This position was formerly known as the Secretary of Defense. He is is the head of the Department of Defense for the United States of America, however as President Biden cannot remember anyone's name this is what he is now called.

Note - search this phrase on YouTube for masterful oration.
I'd like to thank.....uh....the guy that runs that outfit over there..."

- President Joe Biden, 38/2021
by $lapaho March 10, 2021
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(person) - Gabrielle Ludwig is a transgender 50-year-old basketball player at Mission College in California. With a height of 6'8" this former soldier sought a second career in basketball after having served in the military. Her inclusion on the team was controversial and eventually allowed via a court ruling.

On the court she is a monster swatting basketballs like Godzilla, and her presence is intimidating to opponents. If Shaquille O'Neal and Arnold Schwarzenegger had a male baby it would be her. She has been known to deride opposing players after a nasty dunk by screaming "O'Doyle rules!"
Hey Honey, going to Sandra's basketball game tonite. Think they will win?

Not a fucking chance! That girl Gabrielle Ludwig is on the other team. She is 6'8" and literally the Ivan Drago of women's basketball. She will turn that place into NBA Jam. 🤣🤣
by $lapaho February 20, 2021
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(noun) - The international symbol for jogging.
Hey, you got a shorthand way yo tell someone that I am a jogger or am jogging right now?

Yes. Send a knee emoji 🦵.
by $lapaho June 2, 2021
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(noun) - A person who cheers on the coronavirus and hopes for as many dead people as possible. This became an unlikely entity to cheer for however everyone likes a winner 😉 and the ability to turn pain into political issues. While this may at 1st make a person appear to be callous or cold, it underscores a person's exacting standards regarding winning. #winning

Note - The only thing more undefeated in the history of the world than COVUD-19 is pussy.
You know, I've kind of become COVID cheerleader now that it looks like its gonna be here for a while.
by $lapaho March 4, 2021
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pronoun user - (n.) - A person who denies the genetic differences in chromosomes which differentiate the male species from the female species in the species Homo sapiens.
Hey dude you think I could hook up with her?

Maybe, but you do know Anna is a pronoun user…so you'd have to hook up with them....

So she is down for a threesome?!?!?

You're not getting it… how long do you have cause this is gonna take a while...
by $lapaho December 13, 2020
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(quote) - Phrase OJ Simpson uttered while appointed to President Joe Biden's cabinet as COVID-19 safety constant under Dr. Fauci. Mr. Simpson was considered for the position to increase public awareness of strategies to stop spread of COVID-19.
Did you see the public service announcement about gloves w masks? it's called "gloves work" ?

Oh thats very informative! Glad that Biden has chosen to keep us safe!!!😊 Who is the face of this project?

OJ Simpson of course!! He is a true believer. 🧤
by $lapaho February 7, 2021
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The act of loitering or remaining in a particular public place for a protracted time with the intent of eventually looting while staying busy committing other opportunistic offenses usually associated with loitering such as solicitation/prostitution.

Note: To upper and middle class non-felons this word roughly translates to the English word for shopping while not seriously considering to purchase said goods, or "browsing."
Looterer #1: So what are we doing out here? Hurricane Katrina blew through here and we ain't got no power...
Looterer #2: We're going to sit here, look as tough as we can, and grab them TVs when the sun goes down...it's called lootering stupid....
Looterer #1: Well played, been scouting this spot for a minute huh?....While we're at it we may as well try on some shoes and jewelry.
Looterer #2: You're a natural!
by $lapaho November 17, 2018
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