34 definitions by $lapaho

Urban slang for a sawed-off shotgun. This is often used as a word for a throw-away gun such as a Saturday Night Special.
"Hey Bra, you still got that Compton Scatter? I'm 'bout to ride on these fools!"
by $lapaho September 11, 2013
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(person) - After 2 separate impeachment trial acquittal Donald Trump became the proud owner of this title. Nothing and no one can or ever will stick to Donald Trump, hence the association with Teflon. Accusations simply slide off him like the very loose Stormy Daniels.
You think Donald Trump is scared for his 2nd impeachment?

Nah bra, President Teflon Don dont have a worry in the world yo.
by $lapaho February 14, 2021
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(noun) - Modern 21st century artwork genre whose nomenclature derives from the words dick and collage. Traditionally this artistic discipline represents a mural of different shaped, colored, and sized penises to include printed pictures, freehand drawings, and other typically 2-dimensional representations on paper in scrapbook fashion.
I went to a fancy cocktail party last nite and the host was beaming with pride when he showed us his dickollage....I have never seen such varying and studied passion for penises!!
by $lapaho March 28, 2021
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(noun) - So I know this is a dictionary, but I don't really know what this means. You could ask Biden, but I'm not sure he knows either. Apparently its an insult?
Biden called that student a dog faced pony soldier to try to insult her however all the crowd did was laugh at him.
by $lapaho March 6, 2021
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(noun) - Commercial produced by the English Cadbury chocolate company for Easter 2021 advertising. This commercial initially demonstrates mildly sexual overtones and ends with an interracial gay couple WITHOUT MASKS splitting an egg while kissing. During this kiss the filling stretches out between them and lands on their chins like a money shot. The narrator of the commercial simtaneously says "We are DOWN with that..." during the kiss.

Critics later signed a petition to have this commercial removed from television due to its sexually explicit nature and the fact they believe it is targeted to kids in order to normalize perverse sexual behavior. Critics also were upset that this commercial was thought to brainwash children into not wearing masks.
You see the new Cadbury commercial? I think I am going to be sick....

Yes...they are calling it the Golden Goobilee" but I call it 2 guys 1 egg or 2 gays 1 egg....
by $lapaho March 4, 2021
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A person who loiters or remains in a particular public place for a protracted time with the intent of eventually looting while committing other opportunistic offenses usually associated with loitering such as solicitation/prostitution.

Note: To upper and middle class non-felons this word roughly translates to the English word for shopping.
Looterer #1: So what are we doing out here? Hurricane Katrina blew through here and we ain't got no power...
Looterer #2: We're going to sit here, look as tough as we can, and grab them TVs when the sun goes down.
Looterer#1: Well played, been scouting this spot for a minute huh?
Looterer#2: Indeed....while we're at it we may as well try on some shoes and jewelry.
by $lapaho November 17, 2018
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The rich older guy driving the free candy van at the park that promises a scholarship to Juilliard but all you end up with is an egg shaped dick.
See that van without windows? Dude is def Epsteining.
by $lapaho April 8, 2020
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