3 definitions by #iMadeinstagram


- used to describe a moment when you're good and ready to start smoking; or describe a moment when everything is all good and you're chillin'.
Timmy: Hey bro, I got the weed.
Brock: Cool, I got the pipe and the lighter.
Timmy: Aight, we koash.
by #iMadeinstagram September 16, 2014
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- the process where one inhales too quick, that his lungs begin to constrict rather than expand, Therefore leaving that person wheezing and coughing for air.
"Be careful when you kill it. Don't hit it too fast and get squeeze lungs."
by #iMadeinstagram September 16, 2014
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- When someone has taken so many bong rips that they begin to drool into the bong, leaking their thick saliva into the bong water.
"Bro, what the fuck??!! You're straight leakin' into my bong right now!!"
by #iMadeinstagram September 16, 2014
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