2 definitions by #bossassbitch

-the most annoying thing anyone can say to you
-what your ex-best friend said just to "look cool" around her/his other "more important" friends
-probably the worst thing to say to someone battling depression (even if you didn't know they had it)
-the reason I don't like you
-the words that made you cry for 2 hours when your crush said it
-the reason I don't talk to you anymore
-the reason I don't tell people how I feel
girl: *tells him something that happened that day*
guy: *slowly* nobody cares. (laughs w/ buddies)
girl later that night: *cries herself to sleep*
by #bossassbitch June 3, 2014
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-why I stopped going to Claire's
-the vile beast that ate away at my little sister's brain
-the reason I hate most of my grade
-the ONLY THING WORSE than Justin Bieber

-the only bad artist(s) that came out of England (congrats you just fucked it up for your whole country) (or Ireland I don't really care!! I can just see all the Nial fans now!!
"He's from Ireland!! Get your facts straight!!"

-Directioner(or whatever the fuck One Direction fans call themselves)
"Yeah, well I'm from America!! Go fuck yourself!"

"Ugh, we are never getting back together! like ever!!"

-Taylor XD
by #bossassbitch May 25, 2014
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