1 definition by #YOLOSWAG

She has high intellect and muscial talent, gorgeous but among others does not believe so, can be socially awkward and timid due to doubting herself, wastes time on Tumblr but manages to get more work done than her peers. Other words to describe her is wonderful, amazing, silly, and weird (in a good way).

Anyone lucky enough to come across this kind of Simone and befriend her should know that its an honour. Simone can be decisive with her friends.

Simone is mature in all senses and can blend into a younger environment or adult environment. She has many goals and dreams, but always has an idea for her near future.

She is wise beyond her years and is loved by everyone for her beautiful nature.

Simone has brown hair with brown eyes, and had (:P) an olive-y skin tone.
by #YOLOSWAG May 6, 2013
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