13 definitions by "D*cktionary"

A great happening when the computer owner is bored to death in online class. They decide to randomly type things in the Zoom chat, putting stress on the keyboard.
by "D*cktionary" November 24, 2020
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A yelling 14 year old (as of now) that hangs with JoshDub for whenever he wants some other 14 year olds to watch his movement while they laugh their f*cking d*cks off.
Reekid is live finally. Should I watch him?
by "D*cktionary" December 2, 2020
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Misamiswitch, or Misami for short, is when a person who hated one thing in the past becomes the thing they hated. Usually happens with people under 13, but can happen to teens and adults too. The word comes from prefixes mis- (meaning hate, wrong, bad) and ami- (love, enjoy, like). Can also be called the Misami Rule.
Derek was an antifurry a few years ago, but now all he talks about is furry stuff. Must be misamiswitch.
by "D*cktionary" September 26, 2023
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An event happening to a keyboard when the person operating the computer decides to press all of their keys then copy paste patterns of other key paths, then combine them all and look up the results.
by "D*cktionary" December 8, 2020
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The F1 button has been annoying to all steam users, especially GD players. It is toggleable, though.
Oh boy! I love this game! Hold on gotta pause... *accidentally presses F1* AW F*CK I DONT WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET HELP IN WINDOWS 10!!!!
by "D*cktionary" November 29, 2020
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An attack of odd feeling that make you want to just sit there and shake while trying to crush your own bones by shaking.
3 yr old girl's name in game: "kityysparklespretty11"
everyone who is mentally fit: c r i n g e a l e r t
by "D*cktionary" November 24, 2020
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