When you've maxed out all your credit cards.
"I can't buy that dress. I've hit a swipeout."
by Craig Steele February 8, 2004
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Describe a vehicle with wheels that are less than desirable: too small, ugly, mismatched, trashy, horribly colored, etc.
Shit that pinto would be deck if that fool wasn't rollin' pennies!
by M to the triple E July 30, 2005
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A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation.
A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, only enjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensive foods; though, that is a variety of foodie.
Because he was a foodie, he liked to collect menus from restaurants which prepared food he enjoyed.
by genericpseudonym February 25, 2005
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a style of writing that uses only lower-case letters.
e.e. cummings wrote many of his poems in the shiftless style, using no upper-case letters at all.
by samuel ross July 27, 2005
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n. Muffling out an interlocutor by slowly - yet unexpectedly - turning away their cranium with the palm of your hand. Can be construed as either playful or patently insolent by the receiving end.
Randy: You're boring me.
::turns her face::
Dina: What just happened?
Randy: It's called face-turning, toots. Deal with it.
by brown eyed girl March 9, 2006
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1.verb: to show someone (or thing) that they are wrong or that they do poorly in reference to a specific field through punishment or humiliation
"you think you're good at video games? give me that controller and i'll learn you a lesson!"

"the steelers learned the seahawks a lesson."

by bryon lasagna March 11, 2006
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A saying used to ignore and disregard a comment or an insult when you can't think of a way to counter it. When this phrase is used, it is customary to raise your hand, palm facing out, and place it almost touching your adversary's face. This can make even the most civil person raging mad. Another variation is "talk to the hand 'cause the face don't give a damn'." I really did not know that people still said this.
Misty: Kylee, you a nasty, ugly, stupid-
Kylee: Talk to the hand. (Raises hand to Misty's face.)
by Mia September 1, 2003
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