The “jump” is the place in a newspaper story where the story moves from page A1 to, say, page A23. Numerous studies show that the overwhelming majority of readers do not bother to follow the story past the jump line. Although you don’t see it when you read newpapers on the internet, most people read newpapers in the print form – and savvy editors use the power of the jump to their advantage. Humorously used by the blogosphere to indicate information that will be added in later.
by Armando Perez April 17, 2005
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Man, your folks are never at home.
I know they stay in the wind
by Dat Bwoy!!! May 25, 2004
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Done in the south. This is when you are cruising in your car slowly down a street and swerving left to right.
Yea cu' i still be tippin' in my rydz on dem 44'z.
by DAY-DAY May 15, 2005
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Drive or move slowly on foot, on the way to do an illegal job.
"Let's creep on this muh-fucka."
"Let's creep around to tha back entry."
by Diego July 18, 2003
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a positive response to a question. like yea but with more enthusiasm. A chant to get pumped up before getting crunk.
question, do u want to get crunk? answer, CHYEA CHYEA
by naidad August 15, 2003
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1) To roll in your car with drugs, guns, or other shit you don't want the cops to find. Usually drugs.

2) To not have taken a shower in awhile or wiped one's ass properly.
"They see me rollin', they hatin', patrollin'
Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty."
(Chamillionaire - "Ridin' Dirty")

Jim: "Hey, get your ass over here. There's grippa bitches. What's taking so long?"
James: "Give me 20 minutes. Gotta take a shower."
Jim: "Dude, you don't need a shower. The party's not gonna wait."
James: "No, you don't was chili con carne night and we're out of T.P. The neighbors came over to complain because they thought someone was playing the trumpet terribly while firing a machine gun."
Jim: "OOOOH yeah, good call. You really don't want to ride dirty like that."
by Nick D June 10, 2006
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