The Nahautl did not have a written language they used hieroglyphics. The sound of "ch" written in the Greco-Roman alphabet was put in place by the Spanish not the Nahautl.
Xicano is a First Generation way of Spelling Chicano.
by God is Red September 23, 2005
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Correct spelling for the word chicano.
In the Nahautl language the sound 'ch' is spelled with an X.
Don't call me Hispanic, I am Xicano.
by Rare_Herbz February 5, 2004
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A person born in the United States of Mexican descent and of descent from the Paisa Region of Colombia (Antioquia, Colombia).
My dad is from Medellin, Colombia, and my mom was born here, but she is Xicana (her parent are from Mexico), so I am a third generation Mexican, but I am a Paisa too from my dad's side, therefore I am a Paisa Xicano.
by jhonface. July 29, 2009
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