1. Something very cold (as in "cold as a witch's titty").

2. Someone you who supports you who you know is evil (as in "drinking from the witch's titty).
1. You: "How's the weather in Melbourne?"
Me: "It's as cold as a witch's titty!"

2. Me: What are you doing these days?"
You: "Research project sponsored by Microsoft."
Me: "Microsoft? Man, you're drinking from the witch's titty!"
by vastheman October 14, 2008
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can be used to describe anything; also can be used as a substitution for any analogy
(the most common) It's as cold as a witches titty outside.

Whats up with gas prices?
Yeah it's high as a witches titty.

Ricky you throw like a girl, you couldn't hit the broadside of a witches titty.

Jake is fat as a witches titty.

by Tripp S August 5, 2008
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Any instance in which a females nipples get hard.
That fat bitch coming out of the frozen food section has massive Witch's Titties!
by B-RizzleDizzle October 15, 2009
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when you are outside and your nipples are sticking straight out
my wife and i walked outside and i said wow your cold as a witches titty!!!!
by coldliketitty February 9, 2007
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Extremely cold. Witches traditionally hold their Sabbaths outside at night naked. It can get really cold especially in Europe. Hence, cold as a witches titty.
by Philip D. Snuts August 1, 2019
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