Mexican girls in Kingston between the ages of 16 and 18 are complete WHORES.

...and that's a scientific FACT!
I found it, in a book, from Harvard botany and wildlife research...that ain't no flower kid.

"Be careful, there might be a whole lot more than crabs in that BEARS!"

"That whore! She never told me about a bear!"
by Kickass Sis December 10, 2006
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A girl (or boy) who sleeps around but claims that they only sleep with the "normal number" of people
Tashauna: Ashley, you are such a whore!
Ashley: What are you talking about? I only sleep with one guy a week. What's wrong with that?
by Caecillius April 24, 2012
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Any Women or Man that is not a virgin having any kind of sex without being lawful marred under God s laws meaning doing them> This person is not a man/Adam but is a Monster/ beast of the field that cannot own land but can only rent it by paying taxes. Also is wild and lawless and hate God and his son. They do not know the Mother the Real holy spirit but there Mother is the whore of the tree of death Lilith the unholy spirit. They are not alive but is the walking dead of the earth and hell and death follows them.
No child of Israel is to be a whore
by Wakeup2themax July 29, 2018
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A whore is something i turn into when i see your beautiful body
by Green Mustard December 19, 2022
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The girl who cheats on you even though you ask her not to. Sucks off random guys at parties and tells them to keep it a secret. Is concerned about keeping a clean image although it is common knowledge that she allows 3/4 of her breasts to come out during a Remembrance day assembly.
Kitty Yu is such a whore.
by Coolients October 19, 2006
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someone who sleeps around or dresses provocatively.

that Holly girl from the tennis team dresses like such a whore!
by SKLAPP April 2, 2008
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