(This is written by a woman)

A ween crisis happens, in a mostly, or all-female, heteronormative environment; unless the main store manager is asexual. There will come a time where your straight female store manager will find a new man. She can either handle this professionally (you have no idea who this man is and her personal life comes up once or twice, but that’s it) or she can handle this in the form of a ween crisis. (The man shows up at the job, she takes off for him frequently or slacks off at work, or a whole host of other things.) This can be demoralizing for the rest of the group, who now think they don’t have to do anything cause the store manager is slacking off. The ween crisis is a result of letting your sex life come before your work life, and it affects your whole team.
Regional manager 1: Why is insert store location here doing so poorly this quarter?
Regional manager 2: It appears this store is in a ween crisis.
by crazyastrogirl May 13, 2024
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A suspicious looking penis; A man who looks like he'd have a suspicious penis
by Shlimal March 2, 2022
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The most legendary Halloween party. Creatively created from combining jack-o’-lantern and halloween in the most obviously sexual way possible. Get it? jack-o-ween? Jack a wein? See!
The boys: Hey girls! Are you going to jack-o-ween tonight?

Girls: Of course! It’s the best party every year!
by Armpit Butter October 20, 2021
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Coworker: Knock, knock. Who's there?

Coworker 2: In between

Coworker: In between who?

Coworker 2: Eddy Murphy's in between a vag-split ween!
by Slavid November 5, 2021
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the ween hand is Frank iero his Left hand. he has "halloween" tattooed across his knuckles. one hand says "ween" and the other says "hallo"
katya: i love franks Ween hand
barbra: me too cause i'm a leftie, the ween hand is my greatest example in life
by GeeAt27 February 26, 2017
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When you stuff weed into your dick hole and have a girl proceed to light the top part of the weed and smoke your penis
“I gave this dude a green ween
by Boinkysploinkey February 4, 2022
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Noun- A dick

Verb- The act of partaking in Halloween festivities, specifically the roaming about and gathering sweets.
Tim: Lets go weening!
Nathan: Nigga what? Pause?
Tim: bro i meant lets go partake in halloween festivities!
Nathan: mhm

George (British person): Oh, Pa! Me ween hurts!

Thomas (His abusive British father): I DON'T GIVE A FUCK GEORGE! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! *gets belt
by Big dick Brody October 15, 2022
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