A male or a female with over powering muscle definition.
Dude she’s a truck !
by Merit badger December 22, 2017
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Being hit by a truck or any part of a truck, usually resulting in Reincarnation of one or a transport to another world.
After getting trucked, he is reincarnated as <insert name>, the youngest child...
by kekseinc April 22, 2018
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a word describing someone being shut down, shut up, or broke etc;
To be intimidated to the point of retreat or back down from confrontation in a pansy fashion;
Total and undeniable dominance of a person, group of people or situation; to make them your bitch.
also see: punked.
Allison just got Trucked by the entire Berry Hill Staff of '06.
Bitch give me your money, its Truck Season.
by kwm September 24, 2006
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when a person just wont stop doing something, because they are hard-headed or stubborn. when someone keeps going and going on about something, funny or not.

When they just wont STOP.
Brad is such a truck with his endless nonsense and sarcastic banter.
by gretchen11 June 1, 2010
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Verb. To carry a load of something, either actual items or an idea.
When my girlfriend comes home and sees you smoking in the house, burning holes in her couch, she's not going to truck that.
by cyndi1976 April 4, 2010
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When someone is on LSD and you take a pillow and a flashlight, run at them with the flashlight on and hit them in the face with a pillow. then, yell, "TRUCK!" usually is followed by the person thinking that they were hit by a truck. Person trucking+good trip=bad trip.
(trucking is situational)
by smurf March 12, 2005
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a vehicle used to tow or carry things in an open bed
by Anonymous August 14, 2003
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