A sexual act in when the man is penetrating the woman from behind while the women is on all fours on a carpet and the man chops out the womens arms so her face is being driven into the carpet during thrusting, thus simulating the motion of a vacuum cleaner.
This bitch started to make annoying sounds during sex, so i used the vacuum cleaner method to shut that clucking ho bag up.
by killa park March 26, 2003
vacuum cleaner
by qkjeabfdia;shduaipohuaikghured June 10, 2014
Mom: Son, have you seen the Vacuum Cleaner?
Son: I’m busy using it!
Mom: but I already cleaned your room earlier!
Son: I’m busy using it!
Mom: but I already cleaned your room earlier!
by YaBoiJesus July 17, 2019
An appliance or apparatus that sucks current particles of dirt specks or dust. Vacuum cleaners have a tube that can also suck couch filth.
by JulianDB January 1, 2017
a sexual position in which the man mounts the woman in adoggy style position. Then suddenly pull her arms out from under her and drags her face across the carpet.
I was bangin this broad doggy style when she said some other guys name so I switched from a doggy to a vacuum cleaner.
by troy garner September 2, 2005
A female expert in fellatio who possesses a mouth stronger than both a vacuum cleaner and an octopus' suckers put together.
by Kip Stevens December 17, 2003
aren't you tired of your girl squirting all over your bedroom well you should use a vacuum cleaner! When she says "I'm cumming, I'm Cumming" you grap your handy vacuum cleaner and place it onto the vaginal region, she then proceeds to squirt into the safety of your vacuum cleaner!!! No pain and no stain!
Pedro's gf would not stop squirting all over his casa, he bought the handy Mandy vacuum cleaner and no pain no stain!!!
by Juicybigsausage April 11, 2016