A sausage king is someone who dies the most in games. They 'go down for sausage' (penis). since the dead enemies are on the floor underneath them.
Used in FPS. (First Person Shooters)
Used in FPS. (First Person Shooters)
by icarusinmyblood August 7, 2011
by Stephen Nemeth February 22, 2005
a.k.a. Shower King. The dude in the gang showers, locker room or on the team with the hugest locker room cock (LRC).
by Jackson 5 August 31, 2006
Also known as the Sausage Master or The Sausage of Madison County. Real name , Paul Sausage also owns the Floridaatv Motoplex , the top ATV riding area in Florida. Earned the name because of the giant nature of his sausage. Has also been known to blow a mans colon wide open.
by Quad32x December 17, 2008
A high school head teacher who lures children into their office to shove frankfurters up their assholes. They call this being “plumed”.
by Sausagekinglover<3 February 10, 2019